There are a few things that always happen as spring arrives after a long, cold winter. The temperatures outside start to climb, the snow and ice begin to disappear, little blades of grass start to peek out from under the frozen blanket it has been covered with for so long, and new life and movement begins to be spotted all over the place as we look around us. It is no different in the life of the trucker.
As spring arrives, the trucking industry gets a fresh motivation—with the clear open roads— and energized to deliver more goods, always looking for better ways to keep on trucking and keep America rolling. As you’re driving all over the nation every day of the week, do you ever wonder why you are seeing more and more Maine license plates on the backs of commercial trailers? What is going on? Why do so many commercial trailers from all over America have a Maine Registration?
As spring represents new beginnings and fresh starts for a lot of people; you may wake up one day and realize that you may be missing something out on something that could help your business save lots of money that some of your fellow truckers have already discovered for themselves. Stop wondering, join the many trucking companies that have already made the choice to make their commercial registration process more cost efficient and convenient—completely online—giving them more drive time and increasing their profits, by going to Register your trailer or fleet completely online today and you too will be another one that will be glad you joined the ranks of all those truckers you’ve spotted on the road that have found a better and more effective way to keep their fleets registered, and drive down America’s highways and byways with them— proudly hauling your commercial trailers tagged with Maine license plates. If you prefer, contact an Authorized Statutory Agent today at [email protected] to get started. Find out how your Maine registrations are helping to bring a new beginning this spring to our returning military heroes; as we say, “Thank you!” supporting them through the Wounded Warrior Project.
Terri Thompson