“Trick or Treat?”
Now that the end of October is here; the leaves are falling from the trees everywhere you look. There is one more thing that is in the air all around—that is Halloween. At this time of year people are getting geared up for costume parties and finally when October 31st arrives, all kids everywhere get excited to dress up in their favorite costume and go around their neighborhood after dark on a mission to see how many “treats” they can get in there sacks or baskets. When you were younger you might have heard, “Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!” all around town— you might have even said it yourself once or twice before.
Have you ever found yourself being “tricked” into going to get something special from the store that you were convinced was a good deal by an ad that you saw or heard about? When you get to the “bargain barn” across town and look in the sale area of the store; you get excited about all the “good deals” that you find—like a one size fits all piece of clothing you’ve searched for endlessly, or a buy one get one free item you just have to have. What a deal (so you think) until you get it home, try it on and realize that it doesn’t fit or doesn’t work. You start thinking, “What a scam!” I’ve been tricked!” you may find yourself very disappointed in the end.
Well, when it comes to getting your commercial trailer registrations, it can feel very much the same. You can be left feeling very “tricked” into believing that it is a difficult process that takes a lot of time and energy that you can’t afford to waste— because your time is valuable for you and your business. You have better things to do—like deliveries, and making your schedule’s deadlines so you can get paid. That is the name of the trucking game, after all. So, who has time to “waste” getting their commercial trailer registrations using the old fashioned method of chasing down piles of paperwork? But, what are you going to do differently? You have to get your commercial trailers registered for your business every year right? So, you don’t have a choice.
If you believe that, I’m sorry to say that you have been “tricked” again! There is a way that you can get your commercial trailers registered—without even leaving the comfort of your home; COMPLETELY and SAFELY ONLINE. National Trailer Registration is a Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicle Statutory Agent. That means that they are authorized to be able to acquire Maine commercial trailer registrations for the trucking industry from all around the nation. They are even able to give Maine commercial trailer registrations to truckers for up to 12 years if you wish. What a treat! It is totally up to you how many trailers you register. As an added bonus, NTR offers an exclusive online trailer registration maintenance system that helps notify you when your commercial trailer registrations are due. Don’t be “tricked” any longer. Go to www.NationalTrailerRegistration.com and start enjoying the “treat” of the season instead. Contact one of the friendly and knowledgeable customer service agents today— toll free: 877-886-4414 or by email at: [email protected]. See how it feels to finally be “treated and not “tricked” for a change. In addition, don’t forget to ask how you can help us spread the “treats” around to our wounded Veterans through the Wounded Warrior Project as you get your commercial trailers registered today. This is our business. “We keep you moving!”
Terri Thompson