Today, on this Memorial Day, 2013, we all pause to remember the fallen—and the living Military Veterans for their selfless and dedicated service to keep us safe. It is a day set aside to unofficially mark the beginning of summer, and relax with family gatherings, cookouts, and parades. But also, we take a step back today, to remember our military with respect and honor.
We, at National Trailer registration, share in that love and patriotism for our soldiers and our country. So we have recently become an ongoing supporter of the Wounded Warrior Project to help and do our part to give back a little to our heroes in uniform. Go to for more details on how getting your Maine Commercial Trailer Registrations can ultimately help our wounded unsung heroes.
But, further on this day of remembrance, I want to remind you NOT to forget to get your commercial trailer registrations with us—in Maine. Remember, we are here for you to help keep your tractors rolling across America without “a hitch” or “bump in the road” so to speak. provides nationwide Maine trailer registration service for the trucking industry. We obtain trailer registrations from the State of Maine for individuals, owner-operators and owners of commercial semi-trailers with a net empty weight of 3,001 pounds or more. In addition, the more trailers you register, the cheaper it can be for you. We also offer a way for you to maintain your registrations and keep them current and up to date on our website. So that is one less thing you have to remember. So, contact one of our Authorized Statutory Agents today at: [email protected], or call toll free: 877-886-4414. See how we can help you remember less of the stress and start enjoying the summer. This is what we do; “We keep YOU moving.”
Terri Thompson